What consumables items does NDIS fund?

What consumables items does NDIS fund?

Consumables are items that are used up or consumed in the course of providing supports or services to a participant. Consumables are typically small items that are used frequently and need to be replaced regularly.

What type of consumable items can I purchase?
Examples of consumables that may be funded under the NDIS include:
  1. Incontinence supplies: These include pads, diapers, and other products that are used to manage incontinence
  2. Medical Supplies: The NDIS may fund supplies that are prescribed by a doctor and are needed to manage a participant's disability. Supplies might include catheters, home enter nurtition (HEN) or peg feeding supplies. 
  3. Disability-related health consumables: If listed in your plan, the NDIS may fund disability-related health supports and items to help you manage a health condition because of your disability. 
  4. Assistive technology: You can find out more about low-cost assistive technology items in our resource: What low-cost AT does NDIS fund?

How is it funded in my plan?
Consumables are typically funded as part of a participant's NDIS plan and are included in the budget for Core Supports or Capacity Building Supports. The NDIS will only fund consumables that are reasonable and necessary to support the participant's goals and needs.

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