What low cost assistive technology items does NDIS fund?

What low cost assistive technology items does NDIS fund?

Low-cost assistive technology (AT) and consumables items can be purchased using CORE funding (if this has been allocated in your plan).

There are number of items that you may wish to purchase, however ALL consumable/AT items must meet the NDIS reasonable & necessary guidelines AND the low-cost low-risk guidelines

Assistive Technology definition:
As outlined by the NDIA, assistive technology is only the equipment you need because it helps you do things that you normally can’t do because of your disability.
It includes items that:
  • mean you need less help from others
  • help you do things more safely or easily
  • help you to keep doing the things you need to do
  • allow you to do tasks independently
  • are personalised for you (although these would be mid to high cost items

What is low-cost AT?
This includes items that are under $1500, however you may only be allocated a smaller amount of low-cost AT/consumables in your plan.

These items must ALSO be low-risk meaning they will not cause harm to others, and do not require speciality training to use - for more information on low vs. high risk items - CLICK HERE

How is it funded in my plan?
Note: If approved - funding for low-cost AT and consumables will both be included in your CORE - Consumables budget.

What type of items can I purchase?
AT items are specific to each individual, their needs and goals and must first and foremost be solely required due to their disability needs. We have however put together a list of a few great resources that have a number of items/products that are used and often approved using NDIS funding. Remember, if purchasing for yourself or on behalf of someone with NDIS funding these items MUST meet the NDIS reasonable & necessary guidelines.

If you aren't sure if an item will be funded - please reach out to your plan manager BEFORE purchasing anything to confirm it will be covered before making any out of pocket purchases.

Assistive technology ideas:
  1. The NDIS Assistive technology – Guide for low cost support funding (DOCX 71KB)
  2. The Growing Space - Assistive technology huge ideas
  3. Assistive Technology Australia - Product List

Assistive Technology items NOT funded:
The NDIS will NOT fund items that are:
  • HIGH-risk: unless you have completed an AT assessment and have approval from the NDIA to purchase these items
  • home equipment that everyone uses, that isn’t related to your disability, like a standard kettle
  • items for treatment or rehabilitation
  • changes to public spaces, like a footpath
  • changes to public vehicles, such as buses or taxis
  • assessment or therapy tools used by therapists.

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