What is Younger people in residential aged care (YPIRAC) funding?
Younger People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) (Category 21) is a NEW category which appears under the CORE SUPPORTS BUDGET and is funding for a younger person living with a permanent disability (aged under 65 years) who lives in a residential aged care facility.
This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'YPIRAC OG' .
This category cannot be used flexibly across the other CORE budgets, is agency-managed ONLY and is cross-billed (meaning it is paid directly to the Department of Health and Aged Care or Aged Care Facility)
Support workers to assist you in the aged care facility
Supports to explore moving to other accomodation or to get ready to move out of residential aged care facilities
Other care and accomodation costs that the NDIS have agreed to - this will be reimbursed to you if included in your plan funding
Supports the NDIA won't fund (in Aged care facility)
Accomodation costs such as refundable accomodation deposits
Living expenses and basic daily care such as meals, cleaning and heating
Care and personal services fees that the NDIS is not responsible for
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