What is Support Coordination and Recovery Coach funding in the NDIS?

What is Support Coordination and Recovery Coach funding?

This category of funding (Category 7) include funding for a 'Support Coordinator' who will assist you with connecting with and setting up supports (mainstream and community), understanding the NDIA, preparing for your planning meeting and negotiating with your provider ensuring you can get the most from your funding - think of them as your 'NDIS Plan Coordinator', however they work independently to the NDIS.

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'Support Coordination & Recovery Coaches'.  This was previous called 'Support Coordination' and was updated with the release of the new NDIS online portal, PACE in November 2023.

What does a Support Coordinator do?

A Support Coordinator will support you to:

  • Understand and implement the funded supports in your plan
  • Connect you to community, mainstream and other government services.
  • Negotiate with providers about what they will offer you and how much it will cost out of your plan.
  • Ensure service agreements and service bookings are completed.
  • Build your ability to exercise choice and control, to coordinate supports and access your local community.
  • Assist you in planning ahead to prepare for your plan review.
  • Assist you to 'optimise' your plan ensuring that you are getting the most out of your funded supports.

How much does this support cost?

You will be assigned funding under a certain level of Support Coordination according to the amount of support you require.

Item NumberItem Name
07_001_0106_8_3Level 1: Support Connection
07_002_0106_8_3Level 2: Coordination of Supports
Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination 
07_002_0106_8_3Psychosocial recovery coaching
To find the NDIS rate for these supports - search our easy NDIS price guide by clicking the button below:

What does a Recovery coach do?

A Recovery coach is a NDIS worker that has specific mental health knowledge and experience, and who's role is to :
  • spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs
  • help you to find out about different services and supports
  • help you get support from mental health services
  • help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS

CLICK HERE to find out more about the role of a recovery coach

What if someone charges me more than the NDIS rate?
You can negotiate pricing with your providers to ensure they will charge at OR below the NDIS rate. If supports are charged above the NDIS rate, you will need to cover the difference of cost out of pocket.

What if I do not have funding for these supports in my plan?
If your plan has not included funding for these suppots, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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