What is Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA) funding?
Specialist Disability Accomodation (Category 17) is funding to tailor housing solutions for people with significant disabilities.
SDA funding covers the cost of the physical environment, design, and technology required to accommodate their specific needs. The goal is to provide safe and accessible housing that promotes independence, social participation, and improved quality of life.
This funding can be used to cover the cost of building or modifying a home to include features such as accessible bathrooms, ramps, wider doorways, and assistive technologies. It is important to note that SDA funding is separate from other NDIS supports and is specifically allocated for housing-related expenses.
This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'Specialist Disability Accomodaiton (SDA)' under CAPITAL funding.
Supports the NDIA may fund (if related to your disability)
The eligibility for SDA funding is determined through an assessment process, and participants must meet specific criteria to qualify for this type of support. Your funding must specifically state and list that SDA supports has been included in order for you to use your NDIS funds for these supports.
Supports the NDIA won't fund
Cost of accomodation, rent or utilities
Everyday living costs such as food, internet, rates etc.
How much do these supports cost?
The funding will be allocated for these supports on a case-by-case basis and the NDIA will determine how much funding will be allocated following the planning review and additional reporting and assessments
The NDIA have a seperate Pricing Arrangement for Specialist Disability Accomodation to assist in determining these costs - CLICK HERE for more info
What if I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.
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