What is Home Modification funding?

What is Home Modification funding?

Home modification funding (Category 6) appears under the CAPITAL SUPPORTS BUDGET and can only be used as outlined in your plan, and for the modifications quoted and agreed to by the NDIA to ensure your home and/or vehicle are accessible and meet your disability-related needs. Examples include: a ramp for your house, handrail installation in your bathroom, one-off purchases for your accomodation, vehicle modification

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'Home modification'

Supports the NDIA may fund (if related to your disability)
  • Ramps and wheelchair access
  • Modification to access around your house - i.e. ramps, bathroom, kitchen
  • Handrail installation in your bathroom,
  • One-off purchases for your accomodation
  • Vehicle modification
  • Installation of fixtures or fittings
  • Design & construction - or funding to get a quote for minor or complex modifications

Supports the NDIA won't fund
  1. Changes to public spaces, like a footpath
  2. Changes to public vehicles, such as buses or taxis
  3. Household furniture (unless pre-approved and stated in your plan)
  4. Items and equipment not solely required for your disability needs
  5. Cost of rent or ongoing utility costs

How much do these supports cost?
There are two different classification for home modification costs:
  1. Minor home modificationsNon-structural changes to the home and cost < $20,000
  2. Complex home modifications: Require structural changes involving a builder/development with high certification and assessment, along with a detailed specification of works and up to two quotes
The first stage may be to get allocated funding for a builder or home modification assessor to review work that is needed and provide an assessment and quotes, and once these quotes are submitted to the NDIS then funding may be allocated accordingly for minor or complex modifications as approved by the NDIS.

What if I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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