What is Home & Living funding in the NDIS?

What is Home & Living funding?

Home and Living (Category 16) is a NEW CATEGORY which appears under the CORE SUPPORTS BUDGET and is support for living options appropriate for your disability needs.

This funding can ONLY be used flexibly WITHIN this category, not across the remaining CORE budgets.

 There are two shorter-term housing and three long-term housing supports available in the NDIS:

Short term options/respite:
  1. Short-term accommodation (STA)
  2. Medium-term accomodation (MTA)

Longer term options:
  1. Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  2. Independent Living Options (ILO)

Other long term housing options - these are funded in a different support category under CAPITAL SUPPORTS
  1. Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA) - these are funded in a different support category under CAPITAL SUPPORTS

The eligibility for this housing funding is determined through an assessment process, and participants must meet specific criteria to qualify for this type of support. You may be required to provide other assessments or reports during this process to help make the best decision for what supports are right for you.

What is the difference between STA and MTA?

Short Term Accomodation (STA)Medium Term Accomodation (MTA)
Purpose of SupportAllows the opportunity for the participant to be supported by someone else whilst providing their carer with short term breaks from their usual caring responsibilities.
Funding for somewhere to live if you can't move into your long term home because your disability supports aren't ready. Usually one-off support (it is NOT short term or emergency housing)
InclusionsAll expenses package in 24 hour period - accomodation, food, support worker and negotiated activities.Accomodation ONLY, NOT day to day living costs or personal care supports
Support lengthUp to 28 days (per year)Up to 90 days

How is it funded in my plan?
Note: If approved - funding for STA and MTA will be included in your CORE - Home and Living budget

How much do these supports cost?
The cost is based on a daily rate and will differ depending on the level of support required, the number of support workers providing supports to each individual and the day of the week.

To find out more and if you are eligible for these supports, click here to read the NDIS guidelines :
  1. Medium Term Accomodation Guidelines

What is the difference between SIL, ILO and SDA?

Supported Independent Living (SIL)Individualised Living Options (ILO) 
Purpose of supportSupport to help you live independently in your home or with othersSupport to help chose a supported home environment and build independence
At home support or supervision to build skills in self-care, independence and maintaining a safe home for people with higher support needs

Primarily for 18 years +
Support in making decisions around where you want to live, who you want to live with and what supports you need and then putting those supports in place

Primarily for 18 years +
Day-to-day living costs (rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities), social activities, furniture, home or vehicle modification/costs
Informal supports, day-to-day living costs (rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities), furniture, supports outside the home, home or vehicle modification

How is it funded in my plan?
Note: If approved - funding for SIL and ILO  will be included in your CORE - Home and LIving budget, where as SDA funding is funded under CAPITAL funding under - Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA)

How much do these supports cost?
The cost is based on a daily rate and will differ depending on the level of support required, the number of support workers providing supports to each individual and the day of the week.

To find out more and if you are eligible for these supports, click here to read the NDIS guidelines :
  1. Individualised Living Options (ILO)
  2. Supported Independent Living (SIL)
  3. Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA)

What if I am in need of housing options and don't meet the above criteria?
The NDIS do not generally housing, other than Specialist Disability Accomodation which is for those with high complex needs. If you need affordable housing or are at risk of homelessness, there are state or territory government programs that can help you.

Your local area coordinator (LAC) or support coordinator, if you have one, can help you apply for state or territory housing or homelessness services.

I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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