What is Assistive Technology funding in the NDIS?

What is Assistive technology, Maintenance, Repairs and Rental funding?

Assistive technology, maintenance, repairs and rental funding (Category 19) is a NEW category which appears under the CAPITAL SUPPORTS BUDGET and is included in your plan for repairs and maintenance for assistive technology items that you are currently using and have been approved by the NDIS.

You can discuss how much funding you will require for these repairs or the NDIS can calculate this for during your planning meeting or plan review. It is a good idea to let the NDIS know if your repairs are expensive, or if you will need them regularly so this can be included in your plan funding where appropriate.

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'AT repair and maintenance, AT rental'

What does Assistive technology mean?
The NDIS uses the definition of Assistive Technology, as defined by the World Health Organisation: 'any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed'. In other words, these are items that will assist you to do tasks that you cannot do because of your disability.

CLICK HERE find out more about the NDIS guidelines for AT repair and maintenance

What if I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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