What is Assistive Technology funding?

What is Assistive Technology funding?

Assistive technology funding (Category 5) appears under the CAPITAL SUPPORTS BUDGET and is allocated to obtain necessary equipment and devices that assist people in performing daily activities, enhancing their independence, and improving their quality of life

You will likely need to get advice or an assessment before you buy your assistive technology, as depending on the price The NDIA may require evidence that these items are suitable for you and are not considered high risk (a risk to you and others around you). 

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'Assistive Technology'

What does Assistive technology mean?
The NDIS uses the definition of Assistive Technology, as defined by the World Health Organisation: 'any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed'. In other words, these are items that will assist you to do tasks that you cannot do because of your disability.

  • Purchase or rental of AT items such as:
    • Mobility items, for example wheelchairs, standing frames, shower commode
    • Personal care items, for example pressure mattresses, bathing and toilet equipment
    • Communication items, for example personal readers, vision equipment
  • Extra cost of adapting general items for your disability
  • Installation, training and set up of these items
  • Funding to trial high cost assistive technology if you need it

Supports the NDIA won't fund
  1. Home equipment that everyone uses, that isn’t related to your disability, like a standard kettle
  2. Household furniture
  3. Items for treatment or rehabilitation
  4. Assessment or therapy tools used by therapists
  5. Assistive technology items that another organisation is responsible to fund or provide e.g. education, housing and community infrastructure, employment system
  6. Certain high risk items such as weighted blankets, bed poles
  7. Items that can be easily accessed through community supports or other organisations i.e. sensory swing, trampolines, swimming pools

How much do these supports cost?
There are three different categories for Assistive technology costs:
  1. Low-cost assistive technology (low-cost AT) - under $1500 per item
    1. Funding for these items usually come out of your CORE - Consumables (category 3) budget
  2. Mid cost assistive technology - between $1,500 to $15,000 per item
  3. High cost assistive technology - over $15,000 per item

Items above $15,000 may require a quote and assessment from a professional AT advisor, which then needs to be submitted to the NDIS to review before this can be funded under your plan.

What if I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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