What is Assistance with Daily Life funding?

What is Assistance with Daily Life funding?

Assistance with Daily Life (Category 1) appears under the CORE SUPPORTS BUDGET and is funding for support Workers/carers to provide assistance in your home with daily activities such as grooming, personal care, domestic activities and being independent around the house, as well as home & accomodation supports (where listed in your plan).

This category appears in the NDIA myPlace portal as 'Assistance with Daily Life'

  • Support workers to assist you at home and in the community
  • Support in the community - accessing community & social groups, building skills, learning how to use public transport,
  • Support at home - assistance with personal care, domestic activities, ensuring safety,
  • Personal care supports
  • Home & yard cleaning and maintenance
  • Respite & Short Term Accomodation
  • Specialist Disability Accomodation (assessment required)

Supports the NDIA won't fund

  • Everyday expenses such as rent, groceries, utilities, personal costs etc.
  • Home cleaning & yard maintenance for parents (if their child is the participant)
  • Holiday/vacation for family & friends - respite is designed so a participant and their carer(s) can have mutually beneficial time apart
  • Trades/home maintenance that anyone (including people without disability) have a need to hire from time to time i.e. pool cleaner, handyman to hang pictures/mount frames, plumber etc.

How much do these supports cost?

The NDIS Price guide has set a maximum rate that they will pay for the supports as follows:

To find the NDIS rate for these supports - search our easy NDIS price guide by clicking the button below:

What if someone charges me more than the NDIS rate?

You can negotiate pricing with your providers to ensure they will charge at OR below the NDIS rate. If supports are charged above the NDIS rate, you will need to cover the difference of cost out of pocket.

What if I do not have funding for this support?
If your plan has not included funding for these supports, and you feel this is reasonable & necessary for your disability needs, you will need to get in touch with your NDIA planner or LAC directly, or call NDIA on 1800 800 110 to discuss a plan review or your options for funding.

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