How do I read my NDIS plan?

How do I read my NDIS plan?

Your NDIS plan is made up of 3 main sections:
  1. My Profile
  2. My Goals
  3. Total Funded Supports

My Profile section

The front page and your profile contact basic details about you and your plan including:

  • Your Plan NDIS Number
  • Your NDIS contact info
  • Plan Start & End Date
  • My Profile
  • Date of Birth
  • Contact details
  • Information about you
  • Current informal and formal supports

See example below of sample plan - 'My Profile section'


My Goals section

These were discussed and decided in your NDIS planning meeting and helped to determine what supports and level of funding you have been given:

  • Short term goals
  • Medium term goals
  • Long term goals

See example below of sample plan - 'My Goals section'



My Total Funded Supports Section

Your funded supports outline how much funding you have and what budget categories have been approved (in other words - what kinds of supports you can access).

This section is a table and includes:

  • Overall Budget
  • Budget PER category (i.e. Core, Capital and Capacity)
  • Types of supports under each category
  • How your plan is managed

See example below of sample plan - 'Total Funded Supports section'



How to read your funded supports:

Each support category will display the same information including:
  • Budget Category Name -i.e. Core Supports, Transport, Assistive technology, CB Daily Living etc.
  • Budget amount = total amount funded for that specific category
  • Supports funded = what supports are included and can be funded from this category
  • Budget management = how the funding in that specific category is managed
See example below of the budget category section below:



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