Can I use my NDIS funding to buy food?

Can I use my NDIS funding to buy food?

No, food is considered an everyday cost that is required regardless of someone's disability related needs.

The NDIS may consider funding food or food/meal-related support in certain cases, for example:
  1. Hen Feeding: Whereby a participant requires specific foods or meal supplements/replacements solely because of their disability needs (this will likely be listed in their plan)
  2. Assistance with preparing meals if someone is unable to do so themselves due to their disability i.e. A persons disability might mean you can’t shop, cook or clean up after preparing your meal. The NDIS may fund a support worker to help shop for food, prepare meals and clean up afterwards
  3. Meal delivery services i.e. Lite n' Easy, Tender Cuisine etc. (called meal preparation & delivery)

What is meal preparation & delivery, and can I use it?
Meal delivery may be considered as a support if it is required as a result of a person's disability. We can claim for meal preparation & delivery from someone's NDIS plan ONLY if is it specifically listed/stated in their CORE funding.

CLICK HERE to read more about the NDIS guidelines for meal prep & delivery

What does that mean?
Under CORE supports, it should state that you can use this funding for meal preparation & delivery OR there will be a seperate stated line item that says they will require a quote for this support.

If a person has mobility issues or difficulty cooking, meal delivery may be considered as an appropriate support to help them maintain good nutrition and health. 

If their disability might mean they have trouble planning your meals or following multi-step instructions. If they can re-heat your meals, the NDIS may fund a support worker to help them shop for food and pre-prepare some meals for the week. The NDIS may also pay for delivery of pre- prepared ingredients - this is called meal prep & delivery.

What codes can I use for meal preparation & delivery?
  • If Meal prep & delivery is STATED in someone's plan - you will need to use the line item: 01_022_0120_1_1
  • If Meal prep & delivery is NOT STATED in someone's plan, but has been listed or specified as a reasonable and necessary support in a participant’s plans under the Core Supports budget category description i.e. these funds can be used for meal preparation & delivery, or includes funding for meal preparation - you will need to use the line item: 01_023_0120_1_1

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