Plan Hero Helpdesk | Knowledge Base

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    • What does Plan Hero plan managers do?

      Plan management is a financial disability service funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The aim of plan management is to support and guide you to use your NDIS plan funding in the best possible way to achieve your goals and ...
    • What is Home & Living funding?

      Home and Living (Category 16) is a NEW CATEGORY which appears under the CORE SUPPORTS BUDGET and is support for living options appropriate for your disability needs. This funding can ONLY be used flexibly WITHIN this category, not across the ...
    • What is Support Coordination and Recovery Coach funding?

      This category of funding (Category 7) include funding for a 'Support Coordinator' who will assist you with connecting with and setting up supports (mainstream and community), understanding the NDIA, preparing for your planning meeting and negotiating ...
    • What is CORE SUPPORTS funding?

      Core funding includes supports to help you with: Your everyday living activities Your current disability related needs To help you work towards your longer term goals Budget support categories in Core: This is the most flexible budget because you can ...
    • What is CAPITAL SUPPORTS funding?

      Capital supports funding is to use towards higher-cost, one-off purchases of assistive technology, equipment and home or vehicle modifications. Budget support categories in Core: This is the LEAST flexible budget as you must use the funding as it's ...